BEnTroS DATE: 5.Jul.97 TIME: 12:28 * G E N E R A L D A T A * Scient. name.....: Cocos nucifera Family...........: Arecaceae Plant height.....: 30 Color of flower..: WHITE H a b i t u s: Tall palm with large pinnate leaves and a dense monoec. inflorescence. The stem rarely stands vertically but makes a gradual curve; this would appear to be due to heliotropism. C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s: Large, one-seeded fruits, capable of floating long distances, dense rooting system near the surface, which forms adventive roots. Salttolerant, strong light-demanding, shade tolerant. Requires high groundwater table, drought sensitive, tolerant to shallow soils, to seasonal waterlogging, to saltspray and to constant wind exposure. Can reach an age of more than 100 years, main fruiting period and cropping results between the 12. to 40. year, often forms pure stand along coastlines. On acid as well as alkaline soils, wide pH-range (4,3-8,3). Grows in a wide range of annual precipitation (700-4200)., root buds. R a n g e o f u s e: Used for erosion control and soil conservation, dune fixation and other land reclamation, also as windbreak shelter and life fencing. Improved fallow-/soil fertility and riverbank stabilization. Yields mulching material. The world's chief producer of vegetable fat (from Copra). The oil ist extracted by boiling or pressure. The refused cake left after the expression of the oil is a valuable fattening food for cattle. Milk is expressed from the kernel for flavouring. The outer wood of the stem is used for rafters and building; nowadays it is also used for producing furniture. The large leaves are woven into cadjans for thatching, mats, baskets etc. Needs sufficient Cl for best growth results. Susceptible to browsing and termites. Intolerant to fire, damages by fungi quite often. Diseases: Lethal yellowing = Mykoplasmose (Carribean); Resistant species: Malayan dwarfs; Cadang-cadang (Philippines); Kerala (India). Subfamily: Arecoideae L i t r a t u r e: Bärtels, A. 1989; Lötschert, W., Beese, G. 1984; Duke, J. 1986; Mabberley, D.J. 1990; Willis, J.C. 1966; FAO, M. Leloup 1957; Franke, G. 1982; Franke, W. 1989; Grandjot, W. 1981; Mansfeld, R. 1986; Rehm, S. and Espig, G. 1984; Carlowitz, Wolf, Kempermann 1991; ICRAF 1990 B I O L O G I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G D A T A Erosion control.....: YES Ground stabilisation: YES Initial regreening..: Reforestation.......: Hedges/windbreaks...: MPTS services.......: YES Agroforestry........: Other uses..........: YES * S P E C I A L D A T A * C O M M O N N A M E S Coco Coconut Cocotier Kokospalme L I F E Z O N E S Tw R E G I O N S O F D I V E R S I T Y Indochinese-Indonesian Region H A B I T / S I T E coastal areas saline soils L I F E S T Y L E palmtree P R O P A G A T I O N natural regeneration seedlings U T I L I S A T I O N fruits leaves seeds wood B I O L O G I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G bank stabilization C O N S T R U C T I O N S tree/shrub planting