BEnTroS DATE: 5.Jul.97 TIME: 12:48 * G E N E R A L D A T A * Scient. name.....: Erythrina fusca Family...........: Fabaceae Plant height.....: 25 Color of flower..: RED H a b i t u s: Tall tree with broad crown, thorny C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s: Fast growing, deciduous, drytolerant tree with alternate leaves and three leavelets, grows on very poor swampy soils and tolerates waterlogging. The fruit are pods, the seeds have a hard, shiny outer layer, low moisture content and they store well (Germination even after several years in storage). They are dispersed by water and are therefor distributed widely along all tropical coasts of the Old and New World (Like E.variegata). Pollinated by nectar-feeding birds, high sucrose and low amino-acid content in nectar. 2n=42 R a n g e o f u s e: Cultivated as shade (coffee and cacao) and orn. trees, living fences (fenceposts), green manure. Flowers are eaten, seeds used as breads. Many medicinal uses (leaves and bark) : used as a laxative, diuretic, sedative etc. (alkaloids, lectins...). Foddertree. Wood is bland, light, nondurable. Propagated by natural regeneration, seedlings, cuttings and direct seedings. Average biomass production per km fence/year: 2000-7000 kg (Costa Rica). Propagation: The most common method is the use of cuttings (incisions near base stimulate root growth, seeds should be soaked in water (24 h). Germination best in sterile sands; 2250 seeds per kg; seed and inoculant suppliers: CIAT; Cali, Colombia. CATIE; Turrialba, C.R. L i t r a t u r e: Powell, M. H. And Westley, S.B. 1993; Budowski, Gerardo 1992; Fao, M. Leloup 1957; Ellenberg, H. And Mueller-Dombois, D. 1967; Mabberley, D.J. 1990; Mansfeld, R. 1986; Rehm, S. And Espig, G. 1984; Willis, J.C. 1966; Franke, G. 1982; Cab International 1994; Rehm, S., Universität Göttingen 1994; Walter, H. 1990 B I O L O G I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G D A T A Erosion control.....: Ground stabilisation: YES Initial regreening..: YES Reforestation.......: Hedges/windbreaks...: YES MPTS services.......: Agroforestry........: YES Other uses..........: * S P E C I A L D A T A * C O M M O N N A M E S Bucago Bucare L I F E Z O N E S Tm Tw R E G I O N S O F D I V E R S I T Y Central American/Mexican Region Indochinese-Indonesian Region South American Region H A B I T / S I T E degraded soils soils with high groundwater table waterlogged soils L I F E S T Y L E tree P R O P A G A T I O N generative and vegetative layering stem cuttings U T I L I S A T I O N cuttings flowers wood B I O L O G I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G bank stabilization surface soil stabilization C O N S T R U C T I O N S bench brush layer cuttings sill hedge layer construction